Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Term Two Art Exhibition

Art Exhibition

First term of art classes (and second term of the year) draws to a close so the best way to celebrate was with a group exhibition.

I am so proud of all the work these remarkable children did - take a look!

Talking Sticks

Talking Sticks

Traditional to the Native Canadians in the Pacific Northwest these were used during council meetings with tribal elders with the idea being that whomever holds the stick is the only one allowed to talk. It means that everyone gets to say what they need to without being interrupted - the only catch here was that I handed them out to eight students at a time!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Birds Nest

Bird's Nest Collage

This was my first art themed birthday party and nine children aged 8 - 12 created these bird's nest, a combination of painting and collage.  Special thanks to Angela Anderson for the inspiration.



The children had a choice between three basic designs, some of them did two of them and all of them made it their own. I love the different visions they have of how their artwork is going to look.


  Rocket Ships
